METEOR Research Database
One of the main aims of METEOR is to improve patient care by performing research. Therefore for each patient added to METEOR, anonymised data is saved regarding patient characteristics, disease activity, physical functioning and medication use.
Data upload
In recent years, an increasing number of hospitals have implemented Electronic Health Record Systems to record daily patient care. This means that using METEOR would necessitate a double data entry. Therefore METEOR has developed upload and download facilities. Data can be uploaded from existing data sources such as electronic health record systems, registries or research databases. This can be a single upload, but also a recurring upload of all data recorded in a local register. This is currently done for example in the Netherlands, Portugal and India. Using the upload facility enables users to benefit from the benchmark and research facilities of METEOR, without the problem of data entry or having to give up local registries. Alternatively, data can be uploaded by completing digital PDF forms, which are available at our data entry website: www.meteorapplication.com
Research possibilities for contributors
All METEOR users who are actively contributing data to the database can perform research in the database. Each user can at any time perform research using his/her own data. Researchers can also submit research proposals with a request to perform research on (a part of) the complete METEOR database. These research proposals are assessed by a scientific committee regarding relevance, quality and ethical aspects. Research proposals without a request for funding can be submitted continuously. Research proposals with a request for funding can be submitted after a funding call. Funding can be requested for a maximum duration of 1 years, with a maximum amount of €25.000.
Research possibilities for others
If you are not a contributor to the database but are interested in using data from the METEOR database, please contact Sytske Anne Bergstra: s.a.bergstra@lumc.nl.
Mentoring and co-authorship
For each research project, a scientific representative of the METEOR board is assigned as a mentor. These are currently prof. Robert Landewé, prof. Désirée van der Heijde, prof. Tom Huizinga and dr. Pedro Machado. Scientific support can also be requested.
For sites adding considerable amounts of data to a research project, a co-author is listed on the resulting publication. For all co-authorship rules, please click here.
Further information
For further information please click here to read a short document explaining the possibilities of the METEOR database.
You can also click here to read a recent publication regarding research possibilities in the RA-part of METEOR.
If you have any further questions or ideas to perform research, please contact Sytske Anne Bergstra, the project coordinator of METEOR: s.a.bergstra@lumc.nl.